Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Don't try this at home

Today was one of the worst days meal-wise I have had in a long time. It was the first time in...gosh...as long as I can remember...that I actually REFUSED to eat something it was so bad. Normally I'll choke it down no matter what as long as I know it's good for me. They were these unidentified organic greens, cooked in balsamic vinegar, beef broth, garlic, and onions, and I swear it was burdock or something poisonous. EW. Anyway, here's the day.

  • 1 smoothie with 1/2 cup sunflower seeds, 2 tbsp rice protein powder, 1/2 frozen banana, 1/2 cup frozen berries, water
  • I forgot to pack a lunch last night, and had like 30 seconds this morning, so this consisted of 1 cold turkey burger and some cut up cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes. Luckily, I called my dad and he mentioned he was meeting my sister for lunch, so I was invited along and got a chicken burrito out of the deal ;-) Not the healthiest thing, but not too horrible either.
  • This is where the terror occurred:
  • Pork in homemade barbecue sauce
  • burdock/hemlock/poison ivy stew
  • Because the veggies were so bad, I made some delicious green beans instead:
  • *Sautee fresh garlic in olive oil briefly; add in green beans, rosemary, some lemon juice, salt, pepper, and walnuts, almonds, or cashews. All 3 are good, but I like the walnuts best. Sautee up until green beans are tender, but I like 'em still kickin a bit ;-)
  • 1/2 cup Coconut milk mint chocolate chip icecream with flax seeds on top
  • 1 organic apple with peanut butter
Aaaand our house is pretty much outta food right now...so tomorrow probably won't be very inspiring either lol. Sorry! With 5 jobs now, I've been having trouble finding the time to figure out exciting food to eat. It's kinda just survival instinct at this point.

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